
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bring on the Mini Me!

So, this isn't EXACTLY a 'rumi link (it kind of is, since there's a free pattern), but I just thought I would share that Stitch London is looking for knitters, crocheters, and sew-ers to participate in the opening of their new exhibit... by stitching a version of themselves! I'm so going to send a little Alyssa off to London to join in the fun :)  They provide a basic template to use, as well:

As if I need another project... And one with a deadline at that! She needs to get to London by June 26th!


  1. !

    thanks for posting this!
    I think I'll see if I can get it done before the deadline...

  2. Hooray! Does this make it kind of like a KAL? (Has never been in one.)

  3. hah. Me neither, mainly because I don't have the spectrum of needles it seems others do. I need to get some stuff for it sunday, but after that, would you like it to be?

  4. Jawesome! Is your mini-me wearing Converse sneaks by chance? ^^
